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أدوات الموضوع طرق مشاهدة الموضوع
قديم 05-10-2009, 04:29 PM   #1
Ghada Saymoua
¤.امـيـرة مـنـتـدى عـرمـــان.¤
الصورة الرمزية Ghada Saymoua
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2009
الدولة: Dubai
العمر: 49
المشاركات: 2,435
معدل تقييم المستوى: 18 Ghada Saymoua will become famous soon enough
من مواضيع Ghada Saymoua نذل يبارك لخالته بالمولود
أضْحَى التّنائي بَديلاً مِنْ ..........
مفاتيح يصعب علينا إمتلاكها ........
باريس (( الشانزليزيه ))
New Jaguar XKR 2010 MY

Jaguar´s new naturally aspirated 5.0 Litre V8 powers the XK and XK Portfolio models. It produces 385PS – an impressive 29 percent increase versus the previous-generation XK V8 engine – and delivers acceleration from 0-60mph in just 5.2 seconds.

The high performance XKR is powered by the new supercharged 5.0 Litre V8. This remarkable engine delivers a muscular 510PS – a 23 percent increase over its predecessor – and can take XKR from 0-60mph in a breathtaking 4.6 seconds. Yet our engineers have been able to deliver these dramatic increases in power, and corresponding increases in torque, whilst at the same time improving Fuel Economy and reducing CO2 emissions.

The responsiveness of the new engines is matched only by the smoother, more refined, more eager performance of an all-new, class-leading ZF 6HP28 automatic transmission. This lightning-fast 6-speed represents the very latest in transmission technology, incorporating innovative features such as a fully adaptive shift system to smooth out and refine the shift quality, and enhance the driving experience. For maximum driver involvement, gears can be selected manually using paddle shifters mounted behind the steering wheel. It´s a driving experience designed to be exceptional.

Ghada Saymoua غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس

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