Welcome lama and thank you for choosing to be part of our Forum
Please accept my greetings and welcoming, feel free to join us and participate in any existing or new subjects, we are all here as one team
Note, apologies for writing in English as I am at work right now and do not have the Arabic software on my PC
Enjoy and have fun
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة : Lama بتاريخ 10-03-2011 الساعة 03:09 AM.
Welcome Warid and thank you for choosing to be part of our Forum
Please accept my greetings and welcoming, feel free to join us and participate in any existing or new subjects, we are all here as one team
Note, apologies for writing in English as I am at work right now and do not have the Arabic software on my PC
Enjoy and have fun
اخى اياد..
بالعربى والا الانجليزى مابتفرق كلك ذوووق